
Additional Publications

Commentary on paper by Professor Luke Nottage”, in Perram (ed) International Commercial Law and Arbitration Perspectives, The University of Sydney, 2014.

“What’s left of Cole v Whitfield” (2013) 24 PLR 97.

“Religion and Public Reason: Vol 5 – An Appreciation looking back to 1984” in Jurisprudence as Practical Reason: A Celebration of the Collected Essays of John Finnis, Queensland Supreme Court Library, 2013.

“TCL Airconditioner (Zhongshan) Co Ltd v Judges of the Federal Court of Australia”, The ACICA News June 2013.

"A Federal Human Rights Act - What Implications for the States and Territories?"  (2010) 33 UNSWLJ 110.

"Spry's case: Exploring the Boundaries of Discretionary Trusts" (2010) 84 ALJR 177.

"Dissolving Fictions - What to do with the Implied Indemnity?" (2009) JCL 135 (co-author N Owens).

"The Role of the Executor in the context of pre-emptive rights provisions" (2008) ALJR 392 (co-author M Elliott).

"Should the New South Wales Bar Remain Agnostic to Mediation?" NSW Bar News, Winter 2007..

'Should the New South Wales Courts Move to a Single Line Budget?" (2006) 80 ALJR 862.

"Schemes under the Insurance Act 1973 (Cth)" (2006) 17 ILJ 93 (co-author N Owens).

"Administrative Law meets the Regulatory Agencies - Tournament of the Incompatible" (2005) 46 AIAL Forum 28..

"Account of Profits, Contracts and Equity" (2005) ALJR 676 (co-author Dr J Watson)

"Extraterritorial Application of Australian Statutes Proscribing Misleading Conduct" (2005) 79 ALJR 296.

"Restitution - Practical Update and Recent Cases", Commercial Law Quarterly, December 2004 (co-author R Dick).

"The New South Wales Bar Association's Professional Standards Scheme" NSW Bar News, Summer 2004..

'The Question that Plaintiff's Counsel Cannot Ask" NSW Bar News, Summer 2004 (co-author G Evans).

"Why are there so few women at the Bar?" NSW Bar News, Winter 2005 (co-author R Sofroniou).

'The Aspirational Bar: Sydney Downtown" NSW Bar News, Summer 2003.

"Owen Dixon" NSW Bar News, Winter 2003.

"Review of Recent Cases" NSW Bar News, Winter 2002.

"The House of Lords overturns Barristers' Immunity" NSW Bar News, Spring 2000.

"Two Recent Decisions Against Counsel" NSW Bar News, Spring 1999 (co-author G Kennett).

"Issue Waiver - Doctrine or Heresy?" NSW Bar News, Spring 1999.

"The Anti-Suit Injunction" (1997) 71 ALJ 955 (co-author with Dr A S Bell SC)