



Justin Gleeson SC is the co-editor and contributor to four substantial volumes exploring the intersection between law, rhetoric, history and social values, all published by Federation Press.


Constituting Law – Legal Argument and Social Values (2011, co-edited with Dr R Higgins SC),

including a personal chapter "Law, Values and the Advocate".

Rediscovering Rhetoric – Law, Language and the Practice of Persuasion, 2008 (co-edited with Dr R Higgins SC),

including a personal chapter: "Cicero's De Oratore, Pro Milone and the Phillipics: Character, Argument and Emotion"


Historical Foundations of Australian Law - Volume 1 Institutions, Concepts and Personalities (2013, co-edited with Dr J Watson and Dr R Higgins SC)

including a personal chapter “Glanvill to Bracton: The Two Great Early Legal Treatises”; and a chapter co-authored with R Yezerski “The Separation of Powers and the Unity of the Common Law.”


Historical Foundations of Australian Law - Volume II Commercial Common Law, (2013, co-edited with Dr J Watson and Dr E Peden).