

Speeches & Addresses



Robert Goff Lecture to Hong Kong International Arbitration Centre: ‘International Arbitration - Can it survive and prosper in the face of incommensurable methods of fact finding?’

Justin Gleeson on a panel at the CityU School of Law in Hong Kong.

Justin Gleeson at the CityU School of Law in Hong Kong.


Harmonising the local and global: Non-unitary States and UNCITRAL’s work of legal convergence’: chapter co-authored with Danielle Forrester in the Elgar Companion to UNCITRAL.


July and October 2021: Class Action Forums Australian Academy of Law

March 2021: ACICA ‘Australia as a Centre for Excellence’ (2020 Arbitration Report) - Justin Gleeson SC and Jonathon Redwood SC


November 2020: ACICA Round Table Forum: ‘Taking Advantage of Technology: Dispute Resolution Best Practice’.

October 2020: ACICA/Ciarb Australia International Arbitration Conference - ‘Advocacy in the Virtual Environment’.

May 2020: ACICA Webinar: ‘Best Practice in Virtual Hearings’.


November 2019: ACICA Round Table Forum: ‘Taking Advantage of Technology: Dispute Resolution Best Practice’.

August 2019: Moderator: Australian Academy of Law/Australian Academy of Sciences “Climate Change Hypothetical”.


November 2018: Panel discussion on international commercial arbitration at Australian Bar Association Conference Sydney.

July 2018: "Remarks upon an occasion sponsored by ACICA to celebrate the 60th Anniversary of the New York Convention 1958.

February 2018: Keynote Address to 2018 Gilbert + Tobin Constitutional Law Conference Sydney, “The High Court on Constitutional Law: the 2017 Term”.

January 2018: Keynote Address to Annual Conference of Federal and Supreme Court Judges Sydney, “The Modern Executive in Australia – Rule Taker or Rule Maker?”


November 2017: Address to Singapore International Arbitration Academy, "Dissection of a case: Phillip Morris Asia Ltd v Commonwealth of Australia".

October 2017: IBA Annual Conference Sydney, "Keynote Address to Under 40’s Arbitration Workshop".

August 2017: Australian Academy of Law Conference, Sydney: “Can Australian Lawyers of the future afford not to be internationalist?”

July 2017: CIArb Australia lunch Melbourne: “International Arbitration – What can Australia learn from current developments overseas?”

July 2017: Centre for Comparative Constitutional Law Studies Conference Melbourne, "Demystifying Proportionality in Australian Constitutional Law".

May 2017: Keynote address, Global Pound Alternative Dispute Resolution Conference, Sydney.

May 2017: Sydney PEN Free Voices Lecture, Sydney Writers Festival, Freedom of Expression, United States and Australian perspectives”, as published Griffith Review No 57.

May 2017: ACT Law Society, Annual Blackburn Lecture, “Law, Morality and the Public Trust”.

February 2017: Singapore Academy of Law, "Evolving Judicial Attitudes to Executive Power: the United Kingdom, Singapore and Australia".


October 2016: “The increasing internationalisation of Australian Law”, Australian Academy of Law Annual Patron’s Lecture, as published in the Public Law Review.

August 2016 “Australia’s recent involvement in International Dispute Resolution: Tobacco Plain Packaging and beyond”, address to NSW Supreme Court Annual Judges’ conference.

July 2016: Australian National University, Annual Michael Kirby Lecture in International Law, Australia's enmeshment in International Law Dispute Resolution: Implications for sovereignty”.

May 2016: Second Annual UNCITRAL Seminar, Canberra address, “Australia’s Interests in Investor-State Dispute Settlement under the UNCITRAL framework”,

March 2016: Keynote Address to Australian Government Solicitor Law Conference, Canberra. “Recent Developments in Administrative Law in the United States and Australia”,

February 2016: After Dinner address to Gilbert + Tobin Constitutional Law Conference, "There has never been a more exciting time to be a Constitutional lawyer: Discuss!"


November 2015: Address to the Australian Academy of Forensic Sciences, “The Judge, the advocate and the expert witness – revisiting the seminal views of Sir Owen Dixon in the modern context”, as published in (2016) Australian Journal of Forensic Sciences 366.

April 2015: New South Wales Bar Association, Annual Sir Maurice Byers Address, “International Law and the Australian Constitution”, as published in  (2015) 40 Australian Bar Review 149.